We All Need To Eat: The Best Turn-Key Agricultural Investments

tomato farming organic

How’s your week going?

At this time, I’m thankful to have a garden. With restricted social activity for our family of six, we’ve been out every afternoon this week preparing our soil and planning the best spots to plant our carrots, kale, cucumbers, and obligatory Irish spuds.

Vegetable gardenBecause, no matter what happens in the world, we all have to eat.

That’s one important message Lief Simon reminded me of when I caught up with him here in Waterford a few weeks ago.

It’s frightening to watch a deadly virus spread around the world. We wonder how long it will take our respective nations to recover. But, no matter what, the one thing we all have to do is keep putting food on the table.

And that’s why agriculture is one of the most attractive investment opportunities out there today. Especially the kind of turn-key farming opportunity that means you don’t have to lift a finger… but sit back and wait for your pay checks to drop.

Lief and I recorded our recent chat around agriculture on video.

In our short clip, you’ll hear why agriculture makes so much sense now more than ever… the best opportunities out there today… followed by details on how you can make US$193,000 over the next 20 years…

If you’re looking to diversify, and would welcome an annual boost to your nest egg in the region of US$9,000 to US$11,000—catch our video here.

Stay well…

Lynn Mulvihill